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Dear friends,  

I am so glad you made it here and are taking important steps towards preparing for a loved one’s passing now rather than later — when you may be overwhelmed with many other demands.

When I first started this journey in writing this book, my mission was clear: to help others. Using money left by my in-laws when they passed (which is the story behind this all!), my goal was to guide as many as I could through their own journey. I didn’t want you to be faced with the hundreds of  “I wish I had knowns” that I had faced.

Based on the amazon reviews and personal emails I receive, I have reached many of you, and the book is making a difference! But while God had put this mission in my heart and the passion to fulfill it, I did not know exactly how to reach the masses who need what is in this book. With much prayer and God’s direction, after its release in December 2020, I felt God urging me to offer the eBook totally free with no strings attached and allow others to share the free eBook with their friends and family. Many of you don’t know what you don’t know. But the aim of this book is to educate you and your circle of contacts. So please feel free to share this offer freely with everyone you know. My only desire is to share this with as many people as I can, so you have my full permission to do just that! 

I am so glad you found my site! You will find you can download the eBook for free as well as the guidebook. As I mentioned, there are no strings attached. All I ask is that should you agree that this book is as important as I believe it is, to maybe take a few minutes and do a quick amazon review so it will increase visibility there for others to find it easily with minimal searching.

Please drop me a line at if you have any comments or questions!

